Troop 87 Pacific Skyline Council
8 7

Webelos/New Scout Information





Phone number

e-mail address


Johnny Parry


Committee Chair:

Jeff Sato


Recruitment Contact:

Christina Sasamori


 You can join in the fun of Boy Scout Troop 87 if you meet one of these requirements:

  1. If you are at least age 11, but have not reached age 18 you can join at any time.
  2. If you are at least 10 years old you can join if you meet one of these additional requirements:
    • You are currently in the fifth grade and register on or after March 1st.
    • You have earned the Arrow of Light Award*.

*The Arrow of Light is awarded to Cub Scouts that have completed the Webelos Cub Scout Program. These scouts are typically in 5th grade and either 10 or 11 years old.

If you do not yet meet these requirements please feel free to check us out so you are ready for a good start.

Webelos, as well as new boys, are welcome anytime, but please contact one of the people listed above to let us know you are interested in coming as some meetings may be better than others for you to attend. We will also try to schedule a special Webelos Night in either November or December. Check the Troop Calendar on our web site for the schedule of our upcoming activities.

Meeting Information: We meet each Wednesday from 7:00 to 8:30 p.m., except the first week of the month, when the elected Scout leaders, Patrol Leaders' Council, meet at 6:00 p.m. to plan what the troop will do in future meetings. A parent meeting follows at 7:00 PM to plan and support what the Scouts have discussed. At the first meeting of the month we have dinner together provided by a team of families. We meet all year round, except for holidays and the one week when most of our Scouts go to Scout Camp Oljato (summer camp).

Meeting Location: We meet at the Mountain View Buddhist Temple at 575 North Shoreline Blvd. This is across the street from the Safeway on Shoreline. With your back to Safeway, we meet on the back patio on the south side of the Temple campus. Just turn right when you enter the parking lot and keep going until you see a shipping container, park and you’ll see the back porch. The Buddhist Temple is our sponsoring body, but one does not need to be of the Buddhist faith to be a Troop member.

Number of Scouts in Troop: Over the past several years, the troop has averaged 35 scouts.  We are currently have around 20 and are looking to grow the troop.

Costs and Fees: There is a $50 first year initiation fee (for book, patches, etc.), which we collect with the registration form while the annual dues are now $349 and collected in the Fall. Dues pay for BSA annual Scout dues and Boy's Life subscriptions, camping and other troop equipment, merit badges, rank insignia and other Court of Honor awards. Scouts are responsible for paying their share of food and activity costs for any outings that they attend. IMPORTANT: Financial assistance is available for any Scout who would not otherwise be able to participate in troop activities.

Slide Share: Welcome to Troop 87

Slide Share: Historic Presentations

[ Troop 87 ]

Last updated: 8/26/2022 by K Hines